Kendoka with shinai

Strolling through John Lewis in search of some embroidery yarn to make frienship bracelets, I stumbled upon this brilliant book by Kerry Lord showing you how to crochet a mini-me. The book gives you a basic and an advanced doll pattern as well as a variety of outfits and accessories, so you can make a chef, princess, pirate, astronaut etc. Because my husband is a keen kendoka, I thought it would be nice to crochet someone in a hakama and gi holding a shinai. 

kendo kendoka amigurumi doll crochet toy
I had to improvise the arms, all of the clothing and the accessories, but Kelly Lord's doll patterns are incredibly cute and a bit ragdoll-like. The way she managed to crochet the hairline into the skull so the hairs don't contrast when you sew them in later is truly inspired :-) 


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